Sunday, March 25, 2007


Well, I am patiently waiting for the arrival of my lst grandchild! Everytime the phone rings - I am sure that it is the call. But I know babies always have their own agenda!

I am looking forward to leaving for Florida this Thursday with my friend, Irene. I am anxious to see Nick and Jenni's new place and spend some time with them and also to check up on my daughter, Emily and help her with some wedding plans. Also - to relax and get some sun and read some books. It will be a great adventure - driving with Irene - who always makes my life so interesting and fun!

Jack and I drove up to Traverse City to check out the wedding place. It will be beautiful. We drove up the penisula and had a great lunch. The day was kinda foggy but everyone once in awhile the sun would shine through. There was still some snow along the roads and the lakes were still somewhat frozen.

We ended our day by celebrating with Tim Koeze in his 50th birthday! It sure is nice that other people our joining the us 50 year olds. As always, Pam had wonderful food and many nice friends there. Pam will be joining the ranks of the 50 year olds in a couple of months.

It was a long day in the car - but we got to see some of God's beautiful nature and also the miracle of the changing seasons!

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